you can call me Adra. I am 27 (born in 1997). I am a Black american. I use she/they pronouns. I am not straight.
I made this (bluesky) account to interact with friends that I've already had from twitter tbh. I'm at capacity for any new online connections other than a lil kiki on the tl.. sorry lol but we can be friendly! be blessed and do good deeds.
for mutual aid/gofundme/crowdfunding:
please message me - you don't need to follow me to dm btw! and I will repost a post from your page with your paylinks. I am unable to commit to donating at this time but I will always repost so that others can give. I don't see comments on posts because I have notifications set to people that I follow only and I do not check my mentions outside of that. I will not repost images of children, adults, or animals in visible pain or states of distress on my page. sorry for the extra steps.
the layout of this page will change depending on the upcoming/current holiday because its fun for me - Happy Lunar New Year and Year of the Snake!!